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Erosion Control
Vision Green carries a full range of erosion and sediment control products, offering the perfect solution to all your land management needs.
Erosion Control Blankets

Western Excelsior SR-1: Single Net Straw Blanket, photodegradable or natural net, 12 month, mild to moderate slopes.
Western Excelsior SS-2: Double Net Straw Blanket, photodegradable or natural net, 12 month, moderate slopes & channels.
Western Excelsior Extended Longevity Blankets: Degradable blankets up to 36 months of protection. Multiple fiber and netting options available.
Jute Fiber Mat: Open weave 14.7 oz. Jute fiber matting
Turf Reinforcement Mats

Western Excelsior PP5 Series: Permanent turf reinforcement mats with UV-stabilized nets and poly fiber fill. in 8 oz, 10 oz, or 12 oz. Stabilizes steep slopes, and moderate to channels and spillways.
North American Green VMAX Series: Permanent turf reinforcement mats with a combination of UV-stabilized nets and natural or poly fiber fill. For steep slopes, moderate to high-flow channels and shorelines.
Sediment Control Products

Straw Wattles/Logs: Straw fiber filled log with photodegradable net. Designed for perimeter control, steep slopes, and other sediment control applications. Available in 9", 12", and 20" diameters
Coir Bio-logs: Coconut fiber logs with coir fiber net. Designed for long-term sediment control. 12" diameter
Siltworm / Compost Sock: Black Woven geotextile tube, filled with woodchip mulch or compost for sediment control
Coir Inlet Filters: Versatile coir mat, attaches to grates and inlets for sediment control.
Dandy Filter Products: Sediment control solutions for gutter and curb inlets, storm drains, and more.

Tenax Geogrids LBO 202: Type 1 biaxial geogrid designed for soil stabilization and reinforcement applications
Tenax Geogrids LBO 302: Type 2 biaxial geogrid designed for soil stabilization and reinforcement applications

Woven and Nonwoven Fabrics: For use as underlayments and other applications. Various weights and sizes available
Landscape Weed Barrier Fabrics: Premium 5 oz .fabric 3'x100' rolls
Silt and Safety Fencing

Silt Fence: Contractor grade, DOT approved. Wire-back supported available. Preassembled with stakes or Master rolls.
Safety Fence: 4'x100' rolls in black or orange. Uses include construction site perimeters and for crowd control.