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Easy 6-Step DIY Turfgrass Program
To keep your lawn in top condition all year long, Vision Green has developed an easy to follow 6-step program to guide you through the process. The end result being a green, weed free lawn. Sign-up to receive emails on when to apply seed, fertilizer, and weed control products for the most effective results.
Crabgrass Preventer
Apply in early spring towards the end of March before soil temperatures reach 60 degrees.
Crabgrass Preventer II
Second application of crabgrass preventer. Applied 8-10 weeks after first application to give control throughout the summer.
Weed Control
April through May application to control dandelions, clover, and other broadleaf weeds. Apply an optional fungicide treatment to prevent Brown Patch and other diseases.
Grub Control
Control grubs and Japanese beetles. Apply June through August. Also a good time to apply an optional late season, post emergent crabgrass control.
Overseeding-Lawn Starter
Mid-September overseed existing fescue lawns with 4-5 lbs/1000 sq. ft. Apply lawn starter fertilizer to get new grass off to a good start.
Winterizer Fertilizer
Apply high nitrogen turf food by Thanksgiving before grass goes dormant to promote root growth and early green up next spring.
Join the Club
Join our email list to stay on top of our easy 6-step program and to receive important store updates.